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React Router v4 migration

Anthony Cregan requested to merge React-Router_v4_migration into master

Created by: c0un7z3r0

  • Implemented, but predictably broken. FML.

  • I have concluded that I have no idea what I am doing and therefore should stop.

  • Made changes but this is now beyond my understanding - it almost works but we need to understand why - study.

  • React Router 4 is live and kicking - despite spitting out a column of console errors, this is progress.

  • Cleaned up some console clutter.

  • Streamlined dependancies. Only the courses page is failing now, Im sacking that off anyway. Play with it and if it doesnt start playing nice again then can it and write it off as a hinderance.

  • Tried a few different approaches, none worked. Hmmm.

  • Gouged out the old courses page and its associated logic.

Merge request reports